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How about some indoor flying in 2001

Date Location done


Battalion Armory done


Battalion Armory done

Indoor R/C Gowen Field


183rd Drill Hall (bldg 500) done


183rd Drill Hall (bldg 500) done


183rd Drill Hall (bldg 500) done


183rd Drill Hall (bldg 500) done


183rd Drill Hall (bldg 500) done
*  Tentative dates.
All times are 9a.m. - 3p.m.
To get to the drill hall from the front gate.
Turn Right on the first main street (Harvard)
Look left at approx. 11:00 (large brick bldg)
Sign out front says 183rd Aviation Battalion. Bldg 500

Indoor flying in 2001, Yes rubber band style and some electric.

Lets go flying at Gowen Field.

Find the main gate by the sign above, tell the guard you are going to watch the indoor model planes, and ask how to get to the gym, make a left on W. Ellsworth st. go till it stops, look for the gym photo below.  Go through doors in front of the weight room (center of photo), walk to the end of the hall then make a left then right and you are in the gym.

In the gym.

Pictures from March 18, 2001

Tom, you did it! the "Can Heat" flies!

Air to air crash, on the pop machine.

Pictures from the first fly day of March.

Rubber band plane pulling a glider.

Tom's one good flight with this C02 bi-plane.

Pictures form the March 25, 2001 fly day.

Photos taken by Allen that day.


Here is my scale plane for "now", will be a spring flying... So I was wrong.

You have to watch for firefly's.

It fly's

Tom says this one will fly all day.

Tom and his outdoor now indoor bi-plane.

This is how your tiny's CF prop should not look!

Here is my new (all carbon) indoor flyer, it has ~320 sq inches and weights 124 grams.  It is powered by a 1717 with a Wes-tech 11 inch prop also "Thanks to Tom, for use of his digital camera for this image."

My new indoor/outdoor bi-plane with the 5 cell pack and GWS receiver weights in at 84 grams. It's powered by an DC5-2.4 Geared 8.3/1 and a 10 inch Wes-tech prop with ~272 sq inches.

With the 7 cell pack it will do tricks! and that's what I like.  With the 5 cell pack you need to build up a little speed before tricks can happen.

Click for email bryan@bryansweb.com

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